Hi there!

I’m Eleni and the creative behind Figs + Dahlias. This space is a representation of my work within the arts including ceramics, drawing and any other creative endeavors and musings that unfold. I work full time as a Strategist and Service Designer designing products and services in the healthcare space. That is how I pay my bills, support my family and sustain my life and interests.

I studied Graphic Design and chose the field as my vocation to stay creative and be around “art” while still being able to make a living. This practicality in my life has always served me well. However, as I’ve advanced in my career, the distance between me and “art” widened. After more than 20 years in the same field, and a life full of responsibilities to myself and others, I’ve reframed and have been intently focused on bringing “art” back into my life. 

I’ve always appreciated things that are not only beautiful but perform a function. I have a preference for old things that are worn with time, made to endure and still prove their purpose in a modern world. The things that bring me contentment all share these common characteristics.

For the last 7 years, I’ve taken up ceramics. This practice has been a metaphor for life for me, holding my attention, making me appreciate the progress that comes from creating slowly and consistently practicing. I’m in a stage where I’ve become proficient in some things but still have more to learn. My progression has been slow and steady and I see the compounding effect that consistency yields as I endeavor to apply the same effort to other aspects of my life. 

I created this space to explore not just ceramics but other artistic endeavors that I enjoy as well such as drawing, photography and writing.

If you end up following my progression here, what you’ll find is a collection of trials and tribulations in the categories mentioned above. My philosophy is to just try things, with the expectation that sometimes I’ll fail — a notion I’ve learned to expect as part of the process.

I expect the subject matter to be scattered at times — but the chaos will be somewhat managed. In the best case scenario, I hope my personal endeavors inspire you to start your own.